External Materials Compliance Checklist

Checklist for use when developing materials for external use

When developing materials for external use, follow the SAFE Framework and the Guidelines for Use of Third-party IP in External Materials (the “IP Guidelines”). If you have any questions, reach out to the Legal & Corporate Affairs Team via the #safe Slack channel.

In addition to following the SAFE Framework and the IP Guidelines, review the following Checklist before publishing or using materials you’ve created. This Checklist serves as a quick-reference guide, and should not be used as a substitute for reviewing and following the SAFE Framework and the IP Guidelines in full.

  • All facts and statements included in the materials are true and correct, and not misleading or deceptive in any way.
  • All statements of fact and assumptions are clearly referenced (giving the source name and date) from a reputable source within the collateral (e.g., Gartner, SEC filings, GitLab partner, mainstream technology publications).
  • As of dates to indicate the date the information was accurate are included. (e.g., Over 1700 team members as of April 31, 2022).
  • Backup materials and data verifying any express or implied claims in the materials are saved and accessible.
  • There are no guarantees regarding outcomes or that the product will meet any individual’s, company’s, or customer’s specific needs.
  • Materials do not contain any unqualified superlatives or overpromotion (e.g. replace the best with among the best).
  • There are no defamatory statements made about other companies, products, services, or people.
  • Case studies included are accurate, not misleading, and necessary approvals for publication from the customer or partner featured are in place and documented.
  • If indicated by the Required Disclaimers guidance, the appropriate roadmap disclaimer is included.
  • All audio and visual content (including images, video, sounds, and music) is obtained from a permissively-licensed source, or is subject to a license permitting the proposed use.
  • All content is appropriate for a professional setting and neither offensive nor misleading.
  • Where necessary, signed Publicity Waiver and Release agreements are in place with named individuals, and individuals appearing in audio or visual content.
Nature of Materials Legal Review Necessary?
Materials related entirely to company culture (such as All-Remote) No
Materials solely relying on and citing data from prior public

(such as SEC) filings

Materials based on pre-existing material previously reviewed by

Legal & Corporate Affairs without substantive changes

Materials about the tech industry or DevOps generally No
Materials which quote, or are in the name of, a Section 16 Officer

(namely Board Members, CEO, CFO, CLO, CRO, and CTO) and VP, IR

Materials which include financial data that has not been previously

disclosed publicly, or a variation of previously disclosed financial data

Materials with which a Team Member has concerns related to SAFE or

third-party IP

Materials related to mergers or acquisitions, including spin out,

investment or acqui-hires

Materials related to executive or other material organizational changes Yes
Materials related to quarterly earnings, including future results

and dates of earnings release

Materials related to roll out of products material to the business Yes
Crisis communications Yes
Last modified December 20, 2024: Update CEO references (c5dcb534)