Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a web analytics tool and the successor to Universal Google Analytics, which was discontinued in July 2024. GA4 provides metrics and dimensions for website traffic and user experience on GitLab’s web properties, including:

  • (checkout pages)
  • (registration pages)
    • /sign_up/
    • /users/sign_in
    • /users/almost_there
    • /users/sign_up/welcome
    • /users/sign_up/company/new
    • /users/sign_up/groups/new
    • /users/terms
    • /users/sign_up/groups
    • /trial_registrations
    • /trial_registrations/new
    • /trials/new
    • /profile/usage_quotas
    • /subscriptions/new
    • /subscriptions/buy_minutes

To ensure compliance with privacy requirements related to cookie consent, GA4 employs a hybrid approach that combines actual data (via 1st-party cookies) and anonymized data (cookieless pings). When a website visitor declines analytics cookies, Google Analytics refrains from placing any cookies in the browser. Instead, it transmits a cookieless payload that includes user agent information and geolocation data to Google Analytics servers. This updated version of GA4 enhances data integrity by recording events even when cookies are denied, effectively capturing all events. However, without client IDs for denied consent, conversions cannot be properly attributed. In cases where users have enabled DNT (Do Not Track) or GPC (Global Privacy Control) signals in their browser settings, no data is collected whatsoever.

OneTrust is the cookie consent managedment tool. View the banner matrix and geolocation rules in data collection on this handbook. OneTrust cookie categories are mapped to Google Consent Mode categories.


All data collected in GA4 is tracked as an event, each of which can contain parameters to store additional information. Below is the complete list of events along with their associated parameters as of July 2024:

Event Name Event Parameters Event Description
cta_click cta_click_location
Link clicks, including the page section and element name.
navigation_menu_click navigation_menu_level1
Link clicks from the navigation menu
video_start video_title
Video play, including title, ID, and hosting platform.
video_progress_25 video_title
Video play pass the 25% milestone, including title, ID, and hosting platform.
video_progress_50 video_title
Video play pass the 50% milestone, including title, ID, and hosting platform.
video_progress_75 video_title
Video play pass the 75% milestone, including title, ID, and hosting platform.
video_complete video_title
Video complete, including title, ID, and hosting platform.
pricing_faq_expand pricing_faq_question FAQ toggle to expand on the Pricing page, including the FAQ question.
pricing_faq_collapse pricing_faq_question FAQ toggle to collapse on the Pricing page, including the FAQ question.
pricing_feature_expand Feature section toggle to expand on the Pricing page.
pricing_feature_collapse Feature section toggle to collapse on the Pricing page.
pricing_feature_info_click pricing_feature Pricing page bullet point info click, including the feature name.
pricing_user_calculator User calculator on the /pricing/premium/ and /pricing/ultimate/ page. The trigger will fire when a number is inputted into the fields.
account_register register_method
Account registrations on the Trials Registration and Sign Up pages, including form submissions and SSO clicks.
saas_trial_form Form submission on the “Start Your Ultimate Trial” page. This is a conversion point for SaaS trial. Returning users can reach this page with an existing GitLab account.
saas_trial_company saas_trial_company_type Form submission on the “About Your Company” page. This is a conversion point for SaaS trial. New users can reach this page from the account registration flows.
saas_trial_create_group Form submission on the “Almost There” page within the SaaS trial. Returning users can reach this page after the “Start Your Ultimate Trial” page.
saas_trial_create_group_project Form submission on the “Create or Import Your First Project” page. New users can reach this page after the “About Your Company” page.
saas_trial_import_project saas_trial_import_project_platform Click on a platform CTA on the “Create or Import Your First Project” page. New users can reach this page after the “About Your Company” page.
form_submit form_type
Lead generating form submissions across the About, Page, and Learn subdomains, including the form ID and type.
scroll_depth_25 Vertical page scroll passing the 25% depth.
scroll_depth_50 Vertical page scroll passing the 50% depth.
scroll_depth_75 Vertical page scroll passing the 75% depth.
scroll_depth_100 Vertical page scroll passing the 100% depth.
search_suggestion searched_query Site search suggestion click, including the searched query.
search_result searched_query Search result load, including the searched query.
search_result_click searched_query Click on a search result item, including the searched query.
search_filter searched_query
Filter selection on the search result page, including the filter name and searched query.
search_sort searched_query
Sorting the search result, including the sort name and searched query.
features_stage_click features_stage Stage tab clicks on the Features page, including the stage name.
features_category_click features_stage
Category click for each stage on the Features page, including the stage and category name.
cta_click cta_click_location
Link click on the Features page, including the stage, category, Features card title, and element name.
features_filter features_stage
Filtering cards by pricing tier on Features page, including the stage and tier.
language_selection language_selected Localization language drop-down menu selection
qualified_event “qualified_category
Qualified chat bot interactions: conversation started, email submission, and meetings booked.
navattic_demo “navattic_event_name
Navattic interactive demos (e.g.
6sense_loaded “Sixsense Employee Range
Sixsense Confidence
Sixsense Country
Sixsense Blacklisted
Sixsense Sales Segment
Sixsense Company
Sixsense Industry
Sixsense Revenue Range”
6sense web script successfully loads per pageview. The event parameters are then stored on the user-scope, which is attached to the client ID on subsequent events.
saas_trial_duopro Duo Pro trial registration on - 4/1/24

Custom Dimensions

Out of the box, GA4 includes dimensions like device and geolocation that can further break down events. Custom dimensions are set up to enhance the analysis of website visitors. 6sense, an ABM tool that identifies visitors at the company level, is integrated with the GA4 data set. The following 6sense dimensions are set on the user scope, which applies to all events for a particular client ID if the user consents to analytics cookies.

Dimension Description Example Value Snowflake Column
Sixsense Employee Range The visitor’s company employee range 1,000 - 4,999 SSENSE_EMPLOYEE_RANGE
Sixsense Confidence How confident 6Sense is at identifying the user Low, moderate, high SSENSE_CONFIDENCE
Sixsense Country The visitor’s company country United States SSENSE_COUNTRY
Sixsense Blacklisted If the visitor’s company is blacklisted false SSENSE_BLACKLISTED
Sixsense Sales Segment The visitor’s company scale based on employee range SMB, Enterprise, Mid-market SSENSE_SALES_SEGMENT
Sixsense Company The visitor’s company name GitLab SSENSE_COMPANY
Sixsense Industry The visitor’s company industry Software and Technology SSENSE_INDUSTRY
Sixsense Revenue Range The visitor’s company revenue range $1M - $5M SSENSE_REVENUE_RANGE


The eCommerce Purchase report, under the Monetization tab, details e-commerce activities on the Pricing and Checkout pages. Item parameters can be used as dimensions to break down the desired event. The following table outlines the e-commerce events and the associated item parameters.

Event Name Event Description Event Parameters Item Parameters
view_item On “Buy Premium” or “Buy Ultimate” CTA click on the Pricing page. - item_id (01 = Ultimate, 02 = Premium)
item_name (Ultimate, Premium)
item_category (DevOps)
add_to_cart On “Purchase SaaS” or “Purchase Self Managed” click on the Pricing page. - item_id
item_category2 (SaaS)
begin_checkout Checkout page load. - item_id
purchase A successful transaction on the Checkout page. transaction id

Note: The purchase event is not to be confused with annual recurring revenue, as it only tracks the initial self-service transaction, not the annual recurring transactions.

Key Events

A “key event” is a conversion metric that measures important events on the website that align with business goals. Events collected in GA4 can be configured as a conversion. The following table outlines a list of conversions and its definition based on event conditions.

Conversions Event Conditions Description
generate_lead form_submit event where the form_type dimension does not equal “self managed trial” or “newsletter” All Marketo form submissions across web properties, excluding blog subscription and self-managed trials.
saas_trial saas_trial_form event and saas_trial_company event where the saas_trial_company_type equals “ultimate_trial” SaaS trial form submissions on the About Your Company and Start Your Free Ultimate Trial pages.
self_managed_trial form_submit event where the form_type dimension equals “self managed trial” Self-managed trial form submission on the Free Trial page.
purchase purchase event A successful transaction on the Checkout page.
qualified_email_submit - An email submission via the Qualified chat bot.
qualified_meeting_booked - A scheduled meeting with Sales via the Qualified chat bot.


The Acquisition reports under the Reports pane offers an overview of traffic’s referrer based on the session. Key metrics can be paired with the following dimensions: default channel grouping, source, medium, and campaign.

When UTM parameters are applied to the landing page URL, Google Analytics will sort the traffic based on the UTM parameters or document.referrer (if UTMs are not available) into the correlated channel grouping, source, medium, and campaign. Read more about the UTM strategy here.

Conversions can be selected from a drop-down menu located in the top left corner of the reporting UI.

To view different attribution models, view the Model Comparison report under the Advertising pane. Select the desired attribution model to analyze the advertising platform’s impact on conversions according to the user’s journey. For example, display ads may be part of a brand awareness strategy, and may drive fewer last-click conversions; however, may be more impactful at driving first-click conversions. Read more about the GA4 attribution models here.


The Exploration pane provides a user-friendly method to create and visualize a custom analytics report. Dimensions and events can be drag-and-drop, and the visualization will update in real-time. Available visuals: tables, donut charts, line charts, scatter plots, bar charts, and maps. Within the table visual, different techniques can be applied: free form, cohort, funnel, segment overlap, path exploration, user exploration, and user lifetime. The exploration report provides a self-service way to generate a report or monitor trends over time. Refer to the Events Google Sheet to start building your custom report.

Data Availability for Advanced Visualization

Data Flow

GA4 natively exports daily events into BigQuery project name mktg-goog-analytics4-5e6dc7d6. The Enterprise Data team exports the GA4 events from BigQuery into these Snowflake tables:


GA4 data is available from 12/24/2023 onwards. Please use GA360 tables for prior historical data:


Join Product Data

Snowplow is a SQL-based web analytics tool and the main tool for analyzing product data. Snowplow includes a column that pulls in the GA4 client ID, made available by the Analytics Implementation team leveraging the GA cookie plug-in from Snowplow. The client ID can be used as a primary key between GA4 and Snowplow. The namespace ID in Snowplow is available to join with other tables regarding web-to-product usage.

  • PROD.COMMON_PREP.PREP_SNOWPLOW_SESSIONS_ALL (to be updated to a new table)

Join SFDC Data

Marketo forms include hidden fields that collect the GA4 client ID on,, and Look for the GACLIENTID__c field to find it. Marketo will then feed the client ID to SFDC tables, allowing us to analyze web-to-sales assisted subscriptions.


Tableau is recommended for advanced BI data visualization, particularly when connecting web data to other sources (e.g., linking web visitors to paid subscriptions), leveraging the GA client ID.

For visualization focused solely on web data, consider using Looker Studio for its intuitive drag-and-drop interface. This allows for faster dashboard creation without the need to create a SQL CTE for each metric, unless you’re using BigQuery.

Last modified June 29, 2024: New GA4 handbook (2e87221f)