Career Mobility Automation Flow

Information on the automations we have in place to support the People Connect Team with career mobility related tasks.

The People Group Engineering team aims to reduce as much manual work as possible. One of the areas we have done this, is everything related to the employment automation flow.

Career Mobility

Note: this section only discusses items in the offboarding where People Engineering was involved. You can read more about promotions and transfers at GitLab on this handbook page

Timeline Flow

Career Mobility issue creation

Once a People Connect Team member runs the career mobility command through Slack, this triggers a pipeline in the employment project, which will run the job transition, and reply with a link to the newly created Career Mobility issue.

The issue will be automatically assigned to the following people:

  • People Connect Team member who ran the command
  • the team member
  • the previous manager of the team member
  • the new manager of the team member
  • the People Business Partner for the team member’s department or division

This issue is then added to the team member’s epic.

Make confidential

Sometimes, issues are created by humans instead of a bot, in this case they can forget to mark the issue as confidential. We run a daily pipeline to mark issues as confidential in the training project. This includes manager and interview training issues as the employment project is internal to GitLab team members anyway.

Manager and Interview training issues

This is the same as the manager an interview training issues we create for onboarding. Except that for onboarding we only create it after day 7 and for career mobility we create it at the same time as the career mobility issue.

Read here

Baseline Entitlements / Access Request

Once per day we run a job to open any baseline entitlment access requests for the team members new role. This is handled by the dailycareermobilityaccessrequests job in the employment automation project. This job can also be ran utilize /pops to run adhoc.

Access request reminders

A job is scheduled to run once per day to look for career mobility issues that have been opened for 5 days. If the team member for whom a career mobility issue was opened has not been mentioned in any access requests since their career mobility issue was opened, an note is created on the career mobility issue to remind the participants to create the necessary access requests.

Template Placeholders

Career Mobility templates can make use of the following placeholders to be replaced with different tags of content. See the table below.

Placeholder Description
__NAME__ Team members display name
__TEAM_MEMBER_HANDLE__ Team members GitLab username
__MANAGER_HANDLE__ New manager GitLab username
__MANAGER_NAME__ New manager display name
__PREVIOUS_MANAGER_HANDLE__ Previous manger GitLab username
__PEOPLE_EXPERIENCE_HANDLE__ People Connect Specialist GitLab username
__NEW_ROLE_NAME__ Job title of the new role.
__PREVIOUS_ROLE_NAME__ Job title of the previous role.
__TRANSITION_DATE__ The date of the transition into the new role. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Example how to use
### This is my template for `__NEW_ROLE_NAME__`

#### `__MANAGER_HANDLE__` To Do
- [ ] 123
- [ ] abc


- [ ] 123
- [ ] abc