Customer Console
This workflow is for frequently used functions that are pre-loaded via the Customers Console and Functions project.
Using the customer console for internal requests is only for special cases in which the existing tools won’t allow us to complete the task at hand.
Console access is through Teleport, and requires membership in the relevant Okta groups documented on the CustomersDot project. You can file an access Request to gain membership.
Refer to the CustomersDot documentation page about Teleport for a full overview of installing and using Teleport to access the production or staging rails console.
All requests to production require approval of the SRE(s) on shift, and you can view your request(s) in #teleport-requests
in slack.
Note The production system will automatically invoke the support console wrapper script upon login
- You will initiate the request via Teleport using
tsh login
.- Your command shell will hang until approval is given, but you can close the terminal or kill the process at any time, and then resume it using the
option:- e.g.
tsh login --request-id=xxx ...
- e.g.
- The ID is shown in your shell, and is also available in
or the slack DM from Teleport-app
- Your command shell will hang until approval is given, but you can close the terminal or kill the process at any time, and then resume it using the
- Afer the request is approved, you will then use Teleport to SSH into the system with
tsh ssh
- Requests generally remain approved for 8-12 hours. You can resume that session anytime, again using
- No approval is necessary for staging, and access is granted immediately
- Accessing is the same as it is for production, except your
tsh login
will be approved immediately, and you can move on totsh ssh
- The wrapper script is not invoked upon login
The console will be for tasks which cannot be completed from the tools we have available.
We need to see the console as a transition
The more we use a function the more we should ask ourselves why we haven’t automated that process or integrated that missing function into our product.
Search methods
Note: This functionality is mostly covered by namespace search in UI.
Provides a unified view for the namespace including orders and customer account linked to the orders.
Function to see namespace information and linked orders/customer profile. The function will find orders linked to the provided namespace and then customer profile linked to the orders:
Name | Required | Details |
:namespace |
Yes | The namespace to find information about |
irb(main):002:0> view_namespace('example')
[+]Namespace information
id 7744884
name example
path example
members_count_with_descendants 15
shared_runners_minutes_limit 50000
billable_members_count 14
plan gold
trial_ends_on 2020-06-22
trial true
[+] There are 1 orders for this namespace
id 00000
customer_id 111111
start_date 2020-04-22
end_date 2020-06-22
gl_namespace_id 2222222
gl_namespace_name example
[+] Customer linked to orders
id 111111
company example Ltd
first_name Jane
last_name Doe
uid 666666
Manual Lookup
Note: Customer name, email, company, group name, subscription name searching is available in UI.
If required, you can search for an order based on any existing order attribute. Use find_by
if you believe there is only one, or where
if you believe there may be multiple matching orders.
Example find_by
irb(main):003:0> Order.find_by_gl_namespace_name "example"
id: 0000,
customer_id: 00000,
product_rate_plan_id: "2c92a00d76f0d5060176f2fb0a5029ff",
subscription_id: nil,
subscription_name: nil,
start_date: Fri, 31 Aug 2019,
end_date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020,
quantity: 1,
created_at: Mon, 20 May 2019 08:59:04 UTC +00:00,
updated_at: Mon, 27 Jul 2020 14:16:12 UTC +00:00,
gl_namespace_id: "0000000",
gl_namespace_name: "example",
amendment_type: nil,
trial: true,
last_extra_ci_minutes_sync_at: nil,
zuora_account_id: nil,
increased_billing_rate_notified_at: nil,
reconciliation_accepted: false,
billing_rate_adjusted_at: nil,
billing_rate_last_action: nil>
Example where
irb(main):005:0> pp Order.where(customer_id: 000000)
id: 00000,
customer_id: 000000,
product_rate_plan_id: "2c92a0ff76f0d5250176f2f8c86f305a",
subscription_id: nil,
subscription_name: nil,
start_date: Tue, 12 Jun 2020,
end_date: Mon, 12 Jun 2021,
quantity: 1,
created_at: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 14:37:24 UTC +00:00,
updated_at: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 23:56:49 UTC +00:00,
gl_namespace_id: "000000",
gl_namespace_name: "example",
amendment_type: nil,
trial: true,
last_extra_ci_minutes_sync_at: nil,
zuora_account_id: nil,
increased_billing_rate_notified_at: nil,
reconciliation_accepted: false,
billing_rate_adjusted_at: nil,
billing_rate_last_action: nil>]
Order history
Note: Having a way to view this in the UI has been requested in customer #3081.
You can view the change history of an order using versions
irb(main):005:0> pp Order.find(943369).versions
id: 943369,
item_type: "Order",
item_id: 159764,
event: "create",
whodunnit: nil,
object: nil,
created_at: Wed, 07 Apr 2021 00:19:21.297520000 UTC +00:00,
transaction_id: 943369,
"---\n" +
"id:\n" +
"- \n" +
"- 159764\n" +
"customer_id:\n" +
"- \n" +
"- 34580\n" +
"product_rate_plan_id:\n" +
"- \n" +
"- 2c92a0ff76f0d5250176f2f8c86f305a\n" +
"start_date:\n" +
"- \n" +
"- 2021-04-07\n" +
"end_date:\n" +
"- \n" +
"- 2021-05-07\n" +
"quantity:\n" +
"- \n" +
"- 1\n" +
"created_at:\n" +
"- \n" +
"- !ruby/object:ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone\n" +
" utc: &1 2021-04-07 00:19:21.297520292 Z\n" +
" zone: &2 !ruby/object:ActiveSupport::TimeZone\n" +
" name: Etc/UTC\n" +
" time: 2021-04-07 00:19:21.297520292 Z\n" +
"updated_at:\n" +
"- \n" +
"- !ruby/object:ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone\n" +
" utc: *1\n" +
" zone: *2\n" +
" time: 2021-04-07 00:19:21.297520292 Z\n" +
"gl_namespace_id:\n" +
"- \n" +
"- '8981798'\n" +
"gl_namespace_name:\n" +
"- \n" +
"- to keep\n" +
"trial:\n" +
"- false\n" +
"- true\n">]
Note: Finding an account based on group name is available in the UI. However, accounts with trials typically do not show up due to customers #978.
Find a given namespace.
Name | Required | Details |
:namespace |
Yes | The namespace to search for, it can be complete or partial |
irb(main):421:0> find_namespace('test')
[!] Possible matches:
[+] Name Test Example | Full Path test
[+] Name Other Example | Full Path test1
[+] Name My Test | Full Path test2
=> " "
Plan Methods
Note: This can be deprecated when this is available in the UI which will require showing expired trials (customers #1173), ability to extend (customers #1643), and for the GitLab account to be tied to customers portal to show GitLab Groups after a trial is initiated (customers #973).
Use cases for this function:
- Extend an active or reactivate an expired trial.
- Downgrade to free.
- “Extend” a subscription by creating a trial if one does not exist. If an old trial exists, it will reuse it.
The function will change the minutes quota to the paid plan equivalent, and add additional minutes to get around shared runner cc requirement.
Name | Required | Details |
:namespace |
Yes | The namespace to update using the path |
:plan |
Yes | The plan to assign to the namespace (free, silver, gold) |
:expire |
No | Optional parameter, if entered the existing subscription will be extended up to this date |
:subscription |
No | Required to extend a subscription, but not for trials. |
irb(main):001:0> update_gitlab_plan('example','silver','2020-10-22','A-S00000000')
If the order has the subscription number, but a number of nil values (especially product plan), then use this function to have the system look up the values in Zuora and copy them over.
Name | Required | Details |
:subscription_name |
Yes | Subscription name in the order to update |
irb(main):021:0> force_attr("A-S00000000")
=> {:success=>true}
Note: The ability to do this in the UI is customers #2165.
Force a .com group to be associated with a given subscription. This is typically done to associate a group without charging additional seats.
Name | Required | Details |
:subscription_name |
Yes | The subscription name to be re-associated |
:namespace_path |
Yes | The unique GitLab namespace path |
irb(main):021:0> force_reassociation("A-S00000000", "example")
=> {:success=>true}
This function sets the group ID and name to nil
to the order and downgrades the group to Free.
This is typically done if there are issues associating a different subscription but the existing subscription should show for user.
Name | Required | Details |
:subscription_name |
Yes | Subscription name in the order to update |
irb(main):021:0> unlink_sub("A-S00000000")
=> {:success=>true}
Note: Ability to do this in UI is customers #2166.
Completely unlink a account from a CustomersDot account. Note: Use the customer ID (from customers portal, not
Warning: Unlinking means the .com groups will no longer show. This is typically only used when an admin accidentally links their account to a customers.
Name | Required | Details |
:customer_id |
Yes | Customer ID to be unlinked from it’s GitLab account. |
irb(main):021:0> unlink_customer(0000000)
=> {:success=>true}
Identify multiple CustomersDot accounts linked to a GitLab account
Name | Required | Details |
:uid |
Yes | UID which may have been linked to multiple cdot accounts |
*** PRODUCTION *** production> Customer.where(uid: 0000000)
=> [#<Customer 000000, first_name: "Jane", last_name: "Doe", created_at: "2021-12-21 16:29:53.324183000 +0000", updated_at: "2023-01-17 00:56:56.311661000 +0000", email: "", provider: "gitlab", uid: "0000000", country: "USA", state: "GA", city: "Columbus", zip_code: "12345", vat_code: nil, company: "ExampleCorp", salesforce_account_id: "000001230043203, skip_email_confirmation: false>,
#<Customer 100009, first_name: "Bob", last_name: "Doe", created_at: "2022-11-12", email: "", provider: "gitlab", uid: "0001235", country: "USA", state: "GA", city: "Columbus", zip_code: "12345", vat_code: nil, company: "ExampleCorp", salesforce_account_id: "00000123006988343, skip_email_confirmation: false>]
can be used to remove additional customers portal accounts identified as linked to the one uid.
Note: Feature request is customers #2167.
When the subscription has multiple products listed, then the quantity (seats) is only pulled from the product plan line. Add-on seats are not automatically added. The function adds the seat count for all products listed for the subscription and copies it over to .com.
This function requires a subscription name.
Name | Required | Details |
:subscription_name |
Yes | Subscription name as it appears in Zuora, e.g., A-S12345678 |
irb(main):021:0> associate_full_user_count_with_group("A-S12345678")
=> {:success=>true}
This function allows removal of the CC validation only for sale supported trials to prevent having to enroll these users credit cards to use CI/CD by adding additional minutes.
This function requires a namespace object
Name | Required | Details |
:namespace |
Yes | Namespace to update |
irb(main):003:0> enable_ci_minutes("mmoraphotocr")
=> "{\"status\":\"success\",\"message\":\"namespace members are now enabled to run CI minutes\"}"
On rare occasions, an Order object may not exist in customersDot for a subscription in Zuora. This function creates a valid Order from the subscription data found in Zuora which can then be linked to a namespace.
Use cases for this function:
- Entity changes
- System bugs
Name | Required | Details |
:customer_id |
Yes | The ID number of a customersDot account linked to the billing account, e.g., the subscription must appear in their cDot account |
:subscription_name |
Yes | Subscription name as it appears in Zuora, e.g., A-S12345678 |
irb(main):003:0> create_order_from_zuora(123456,'A-S12345678')
=> "{\"status\":\"success\",\"message\":{\"success\":true,\"order\" ....." Group methods
These functions help fix various bug issues that have surfaced on These functions do not change anything in the CustomersDot.
Reset max seats
Occasionally, to ensure the correct number at renewal, the number of max seats need to be changed for a group.
With only the namespace, it will display the seats information. Entering the max seats will change the value.
Name | Required | Details |
:namespace | Yes | The namespace to update |
:max_seats_used | Yes | Max number of seats to use |
irb(main):089:0> account_seats("gitlab-silver",0)
[+] Resetting max_seats_used ...
***** seats_owed will be automatically recalculated at 12:00 UTC *****
Note: Possible through admin.
Update a group’s shared runner minutes monthly quota.
Name | Required | Details |
:id |
Yes | The namespace ID to update |
:mins |
Yes | Compute minutes to update |
irb(main):180:0> update_group_mins(1234,50000)
=> {:success=>true}
Note: Additional minutes can also be changed via chatops. Feature request for editing via UI in gitlab#325917.
Update a group’s additional runner minutes.
WARNING: Additional minutes added using this function will last indefinitely until used. If the request is to provide “extra minutes” during a trial period only, use the update_group_mins function to change the monthly usage quota, or the update_gitlab_plan function which will set the usage quota to match a paid plan.
Name | Required | Details |
:namespace |
Yes | The namespace to update |
:mins |
Yes | Compute minutes to update |
irb(main):180:0> update_group_mins("gitlab-gold",50000)
=> {:success=>true}
Note: Additional storage can also be changed via API. Feature request for editing via UI in gitlab#325918.
Update a group’s additional storage.
Name | Required | Details |
:namespace |
Yes | The namespace to update |
:extra_storage |
Yes | Amount of additional storage in MiB |
irb(main):180:0> update_extra_storage("gitlab-gold",5000)
"name"=>" - Gold",
=> nil
Note: For a large group, this may take several hours. If unsure, ask for help before running it.
Calculates the storage usage of the container registry for each project in a given group, the output is the total result in GB and detailed per project.
Name | Required | Details |
:group |
Yes | The group to query |
irb(main):749:0> container_registry_storage_usage('some-group') ; nil
[*] Total Storage Used [ 0.799 GB ]
"container_registry_storage_used"=>"0.764 GB"},
"container_registry_storage_used"=>"0.025 GB"}}
- How can I add a function?
- With the decision made on Mechanizer and Hacks Maintenance mode we won’t be adding more functions into the mechanizer
- Can I use other code not available in
- Functions and parts of functions from
can be executed within console as needed. Otherwise, the only time other code should be run is under direction from the Fulfillment development team to help debug or workaround an issue.
Manually changing attributes
We should avoid the editing of live data as much as possible, even a small change could cause a problem later and affect the customer in a bigger way than the original reason for us to do the change.
The guidance is to only use the functions in support_team.rb
. If we don’t have anything that helps, then a feature request should be opened and prioritized.
Within the feature request, we can ask for a temporary workaround to the dev team in order for us to be able to act on those requests while the official product enhancement is completed.