Greenhouse <> BambooHR sync

Information on the Greenhouse and BambooHR sync for GitLab team members and their profiles.


Considering we are retaining BambooHR for team member data, we need to make sure that applicants are created in BambooHR once they are hired. We created a custom sync between Greenhouse and BambooHR to avoid manual work adding the right data from one system to the other.

Whenever a candidate is marked as hired, a webhook is send to the conservatory app.

Our current implementation of this for Workday, is handled by the Platypus project.

Synced fields

The sync is a one-way sync. We take the data from Greenhouse and add it to BambooHR. Some fields on BambooHR are calculated fields by using data from Greenhouse.

Greenhouse Data BambooHR Data
first_name (Applicant data) - the preferred name firstName
last_name (Applicant data) lastName
the part in first_name that’s between quotes (Applicant data) preferredName
the part in last_name that’s between quotes (Applicant data) customPreferredLastName
candidate_country (Offer data) country
state_of_team_member (Offer data) state
starts_at (Offer data) hireDate
email_addresses.personal (Applicant data) homeEmail
department (Offer data) department
division (Offer data) division
employment_type (Offer data) customFullOrPartTime
id (Greenhouse Applicant) customCandidateID
Mapped through candidate_country to the right value customPayFrequency
Mapped through candidate_country to the right value customRegion
Copied from the hiring_manager customCostCenter
locality (Offer data) customLocality
specialty (Offer data) customJobTitleSpeciality
level_of_role (Offer data) customRole
Mapped by Greenhouse entity using this file customEmployeeCorptoCorp
starts_at (Offer data) customHireDate
stock_options (Offer data) customShares1
stock_options (Offer data) customTotal
rsu_$_value (Offer data) customRSUValue
entity (Offer data) customInc/BV
“Hired” (Hardcoded value - not from Greenhouse) customNotes
starts_at (Offer data) date
job_title (Offer data, can only be synced if the title exists on BambooHR) jobTitle
hiring_manager (Offer data) reportsTo
starts_at (Offer data) startDate
Mapped by Greenhouse entity using this file location
salary (Offer data) / pay_frequency rate
If contractor -> Contract, else -> Salary type
“Exempt” (Hardcoded value - not from Greenhouse) exempt
“Hire” (Hardcoded value - not from Greenhouse) reason
Depends on contractor or pay frequency paidPer
Mapped through candidate_country to the right value paySchedule
Mapped by using the local currency to the USD rate customCurrencyConversionFactor
Latest revision date of the currency conversion file customConversionEffectiveDate
starts_at (Offer data) customEffectiveDate2
starts_at (Offer data) customEffectiveDate3
salary * customCurrencyConversionFactor customUSDAnnualSalary
salary with currency customLocalAnnualSalary
starts_at (Offer data) customDate
Mapped by Greenhouse offer entity using this file customType
Hardcoded to RSU, ISO, or International customType1
Hardcoded to Stock Options or Restricted Stock Units customShareVehicle
(Hardcoded value - not from Greenhouse) customReason
Yes customVariablePay
bonus_currency_&_amount_(amount_per_year_as_defined_by_previous_field) (Offer data) customAnnualAmountLocal
customAnnualAmountLocal * customCurrencyConversionFactor customAnnualAmountUSD
customAnnualAmountUSD * customUSDAnnualSalary customOTEUSD
customVariablePay * salary customOTELocal
job_code (Offer data, can only be synced if the job code exists on BambooHR customJobCode
job_grade (Offer data) customJobGrade
sales_geo_differential (Offer data) customSalesGeoDifferential
ghp_id (Offer data) customNumber
starts_at (Offer data) customBonusdate
signing_bonus_currency_&_amount (Offer data) customBonusAmount
“Signing Bonus” (Hardcoded value - not from Greenhouse) customBonustype
“Paid Signing Bonus” (Hardcoded value - not from Greenhouse) customBonuscomments
family_relationship (Offer data) customRelationship
A new employment status row is added and the value is set to Active employmentStatus
starts_at (Offer data) customEffectiveDate6
Mapped through candidate_country to the right value customPayFrequency2
job_code (Offer data, can only be synced if the job code exists on BambooHR customJobCode2
job_grade (Offer data) customJobGrade2

Besides syncing the above fields, we also sync:

  • Documents between Greenhouse and BambooHR. The documents we sync are in the attachments on the candidate itself. We only sync the signed offer letter and the resume. The signed offer letter is synced to the Contracts & Changes and the resume is synced to the Resumes and Applications folder on BambooHR. They are set to be shared with the new team member.
  • Employment Status: these are different depending on which entity is linked to the team member. It follows the process that is outlined in the handbook. When there are changes in probations, a change should also be made to this file.
  • Country-specific accrual policies are set on BambooHR using the country and state listed on Greenhouse.

When required data is missing, the system is set up to send a Slack message about this applicant. Currently these candidates will need to be synced manually.


Currently the sync went through two iterations and has replaced most (but not all) manual work for the People Connect and Total Rewards teams. Open issues can be found here. If you want to add another field to the sync, feel free to create a new issue.

Missing Team Member

In case a hire wasn’t synced an alert will be sent to the #peopleops-alerts Slack channel, in which a People Group Engineer will be able to manually re-sync the new team member after correcting malformed fields.

Last modified November 3, 2023: Update find and replace script (9507e5be)