
An overview of the Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging events/journey that have taken place or will take place.

On this page you will be provided an overview of the Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging events/journey that have taken place or will take place.

Summary of Events for 2021

Month Events
Jan Published FY22 DIB Strategy and Roadmap
Launched our first Social Media Campaign - We Belong Here
Launched GitLab’s First DIB Training Certification
Feb Annual DIB Survey via Culture Amp
Apr Published updated Reverse AMA process
May Launched Global Seld ID Campaign
Jun Published DIB Advisory Group Goals
Aug Published 2021 DIB survey results to the company

Summary of Events for 2020

Month Events
Jan Live Learning Ally Training
Feb Anita Borg becomes an Official Partner
DIB Survey via Culture Amp
Mar Unconscious Bias Training
Working Mother Media Award Submission
Published Building an Inclusive Remote Culture Page
Published Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Events Page
Apr Kickoff Women in Sales Mentoring Initiative
Kickoff DIB in Engineering Initiatives
Created the Parental Leave Toolkit for Managers and Team Members
DIB Sessions at Virtual Contribute 2020
May Moved from Diversity & Inclusion to Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
Jun Conducted Live Learning on Recognizing Bias
Published DIB Blog “Our journey to a more diverse and inclusive workplace”
Jul Fireside Chat with GitLab TMRG MIT Leads
Aug Full Diversity Inclusion and Belonging Track at Virtual Commit 2020
GitLab Recognized for Top CEOs for in Diversity in 2020
Sept Allyship Training for Leadership
Kickoff DIB Speaker Series
Oct DIB Training w/Certification
Coming Out Day Panel Discussion - Hosted by GitLab Pride TMRG
Hired additional DIB Team Member - Liam McNally

Summary of Events for 2019

Month Events
Apr Hired DIB Manager
May DIB Breakout Sessions at Contribute 2019
Inclusive Language Training
Published GitLab DIB Mission Statement
Published GitLab’s Definition of Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
Jul Launched Greenhouse Inclusion Tool
Aug GitLab Pride launched
GitLab MIT - Minorities in Tech launched
GitLab DiversABILITY launched
GitLab Women launched
DIB Advisory Group launched
Sep DIB Advisory Group Guidelines published
Published TMRG Guidelines
DIB Framework
Oct Slack Channels for all TMRGs and DIB Advisory Group added
Dec Live Learning Inclusion Training
Received DIB Comparably Award