Partitioning the notes table

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Status Authors Coach DRIs Owning Stage Created
ongoing engwan euko devops plan 2023-12-22


The notes table is one of the largest PostgreSQL DB tables in GitLab, whose size in the .com production database exceeded 1.5TB as of Nov 2023, increasingly endangering the reliability of and large self-managed instances.

Available partitioning or sharding methods must be evaluated for the table and executed as early as possible to meet the 100GB per table target size limit.

Overview of notes table

The table composition as of Nov 2023

The majority of the records in the table were for merge requests.

Noteable type % of total records Num. records
Merge Request 67% 1002272868
Issue 23% 348020507
Commit <~ 5 % 67790930
Epic <~ 0.05 % 6196244
Others <~ 5%
Total 1488612100

The note and note_html columns took up 183GB and 580GB respectively, occupying ~77% of the storage space used by the table and its supporting indexes.

note stores the raw note texts and note_html caches the HTML renders of the raw note texts.

Column Size (GB) % of Total
note 183 GB 16%
note_html 580 GB 51%
MR related columns 94 GB 0.8%
Other columns 383 GB 24%
Total 1,240 GB ~100%

The indexes on the table took up the remaining 300 GB or so.

Design of the notes table

notes has polymorphic associations through the following three columns.

  • noteable_type: stores the type of a noteable, for example Issue, MergeRequest, Commit.

  • noteable_id: stores the ID of a noteable.

  • commit_id: stores the Git SHA of a commit.

When a note’s noteable_type is Commit, noteable_id is NULL and commit_id is used to reference the commit.

The associated models are: MergeRequest, Vulnerability, Epic, Snippet, Commit, DesignManagement::Design, Issue, AlertManagement::Alert and AbuseReport

All notes should belong to a namespace through noteable except for abuse notes that are instance-level.

Reducing contention on the lock_manager lwlocks

The polymorphic associations for the table have an important implication for partitioning.

Paritition must be done in a way that the queries targeting the table accesses the minimum number of partitions or in a manner that does not deplete the 16 fastpath locks to reduce contention on the lock_manager lwlocks.

For example, the most common access pattern for the notes table is fetching the notes for a noteable such as Issue. If the table were to be partitioned by id (range, hash or list), the following query could end up hitting all partitions: SELECT * FROM notes WHERE noteable_type='Issue' AND noteable_id=1;. Suppose we needed to get notes by ids to display user activities or TODOs instead: SELECT * FROM todos INNER JOIN notes WHERE AND IN (1, 2, 3);. PostgreSQL would be able to prune out the partitions that didn’t contain the note_ids and only access the minimum partitions needed to execute the query.

It’s challenging that many columns in the notes table are nullable including the columns used for polymorphic associations as well as namespaces and projects while partitioning usually requires partitioning columns to be non-nullable.

Partitioning methods

Here we consider various options for partitioning and restructuring the notes table.

1. Split the table by domain model

Splitting into separate tables by domain models (issues, MRs, epics) aligns with best practices but the resulting tables would still exceed 100GB. For example, we could have separate issue_notes, merge_request_notes and epic_notes tables.


  • Aligns with domain models and the composition of the table

    • There are many merge request specific columns that interfere with applying other partitioning strategies, and contribute to index bloat and non-ideal data alignments.
  • Addresses polymorphic associations and constraints issues

    • On top of having polymorphic associations which are discouraged, the presence of the commit_id column storing Git SHA hashes prevents utilizing database constraints fully.


  • Significant code changes would be required across the codebase

  • Even after splitting by domain, the resulting domain tables would exceed the 100GB target size limit and each table would need to be partitioned.

2. Partition by hash using namespace_id

Given the typical access pattern of retriving notes for a noteable, we might consider using noteable_type, noteable_id, and commit_id as hash key columns. However, some queries like this one used to preload notes work with ids, namespace_id could be the better choice as the sole hash key


  • We can achieve the 100GB target size limit without additional work although some partitions may grow at a faster rate in the future.


  • The primary key of a hash partitioned table must include the hash key columns, but all proposed hash keys here are nullable, and thus cannot be part of the primary key and lose referential integrity. However, this drawback only exists when partitioning by the polymorphic association columns. namespace_id would soon become the sharding key for the notes table for the Cells 1.0.

  • namespace_id could be sharding keys for all the tables referencing the notes table allowing us to easily add foreign keys to the partitioned notes table as the work for Cells 1.0 progresses.

  • Some code change is still required to update all the notes queries to include namespace_id.

  • This method does not address any of the existing structural problems like polymorphic associations or too many merge request specific columns (and the consequences)

3. Vertical split of the table

A vertical split of the two largest columns note and note_html or just note_html into a separate table can reduce overall storage needs. It’s worth noting that the notes table cannot significantly benefit from PostgreSQL’s TOAST feature. Most note texts (note column) do not exceed the 2kB default threshold necessary to trigger compression and OUT-OF-LINE storage.

The table for the vertically split column(s) could be partitioned by int range using the notes table’s id column.


  • Vertical partitioning of note and note_html columns can improve the table layout and compact the tuple sizes of the remaining notes table to allow for better spatial locality.

  • It might be viewed as a more incremental approach as the notes table would remain in place.


  • In order to avoid the lock contention problem, a batching strategy must be implemented when preloading the table containing the vertically split columns. Suppose there are 16+ partitions. The first partition contains the data for the notes records with IDs <100. The second partition contains the data for the notes records with IDs >=100 and so on. To make sure a preload query does not access too many partitions, we can break it into several queries: SELECT * FROM p_notes_data WHERE note_id < 100 AND note_id IN (1, 100, 20000, 30000), SELECT * FROM p_notes_data WHERE note_id >= 20000 AND note_id IN (1, 100, 20000, 30000) and so on.

  • CacheMarkdownField, the concern that notes uses, has implicit dependencies on other parts of the codebase. The attempts to override them or transparently delegate the related methods do not work cleanly or easily. Also see the section on Markdown caching

  • Additional partitioning work for the notes table is still required to meet the 100GB target size limit.

  • This method does not address any of the existing structural problems like polymorphic associations or too many merge request specific columns (and the consequences)

Notes on DB-based Markdown caching

Merge request notes follow the typical decay pattern where the notes start losing relevance once their merge request become closed. The same decay pattern may be applicable to other noteable types and dropping the cached Markdown for the notes older than some period could be a viable method to reduce the stored data.

One possible risk is that re-calculating older notes whose cached Markdown was dropped could have a thrashing effect on both the Rails application and the PostgreSQL hosts. In the past, it’s been observed that rendering many notes and updating the cache severly strained the application and the database whenever the cached Markdown version was bumped for notes.

It’s worth investigating caching Markdown solely to Redis and removing the database caching layer if the thrashing effect turns out to be less concerning.

4. Partition by list using noteable_type

We may consider partitioning the notes table itself by the values of the noteable_type column.

NOTE: As of Mar 8th 2024, there is a INVALID non-null check constraint on noteable_type. A small number of notes records without noteable_type have been found and removed from’s production database. The non-null check constraint is planned to be validated in 17.0


  • Almost all notes queries contain noteable_type and that makes the column an ideal choice to use when partitioning by list.

  • Partitioning by list with noteable_type can allow us to furthur partition the resulting partitions by domain.


  • Sub-partitioning still requires partitioning keys to be present in the root table’s primary key.

  • This approach requires adding many foreign keys to the tables referencing the notes table. The partitioned table would use a composite primary key (noteable_type, id) so noteable_type would need to be first added to all the referencing tables and backfilled.

  • More code change might be required to ensure Active Record models work with the partitioned table that uses the composite primary key.

  • This method does not address any of the existing structural problems like polymorphic associations or too many merge request specific columns. However, the possibility of sub-partitioning by domain does dampen the drawback.

Last modified August 23, 2024: Ensure frontmatter is consistent (e47101dc)