SAST IDE Integration

This page contains information related to upcoming products, features, and functionality. It is important to note that the information presented is for informational purposes only. Please do not rely on this information for purchasing or planning purposes. The development, release, and timing of any products, features, or functionality may be subject to change or delay and remain at the sole discretion of GitLab Inc.
Status Authors Coach DRIs Owning Stage Created
ongoing erran jleasure julianthome theoretick theoretick connorgilbert dashaadu tkopel kisha.mavryck devops secure 2024-06-21


Support developers performing API-based Static Analysis Security Testing from their IDE.



What is it trying to achieve?

  • Provide SAST results to Ultimate users running any GitLab Editor Extension.

How will we know that this has succeeded?

  • Users with the required connectivity receive diagnostics for SAST findings.

What are other less tangible opportunities here?

  • Defining how non-SAST security scan results may be presented in the IDE in the future.
  • Populate IDE diagnostics from an existing SAST report.


What is out of scope for this blueprint?

  • Defining how offline users will run analyzers locally.


Provide both local and API-based security scans against the current IDE workspace.


  • All platforms where we have GitLab Editor Extensions would support SAST findings.
  • Scan service API could be implemented through a local service to consume existing local SAST reports.
  • Offline users could use offline scan images or distributions.


  • We must deploy new infrastructure.
  • We must be intentional in showing/hiding this feature based on the user, group, and project configuration.


Design and implementation details

Remote scans

Security Scan ServiceGitLab APIGitLab Duo for JetBrainsIntelliJSecurity Scan ServiceGitLab APIGitLab Duo for JetBrainsIntelliJ{ "path": "hello.rb", "content": "exec(ARGV[0])" }UserEdits a file "hello.rb"Saves "hello.rb"Triggers a security scan based on the current file and workspacePOST /api/v4/security_scans/sastPOST /v1/sast200 OK200 OKDisplay Static Analysis findings (Diagnostics)User

Alternative Solutions

Do nothing

The current experience for GitLab users in the IDE is that they must run separate Static Analysis tools locally before pushing their code and waiting on their CI/CD pipeline’s security scan results.

Run analyzers locally as offline analyzer


  • Local data and execution simplifies performance optimization
  • A narrower usecase allows for a simpler, more tightly coupled design


  • We would need to start supporting binary distributions along with a release cycle that limits our ability to distribute rule refinements and bugfixes
  • We would need to codesign our binaries especially for Mac OS.
  • We would need to provide documentation for installation.
  • We would need to provide tooling for installation.

SAST IDE Integration ADR 001: Provide API-based security scans
SAST IDE Integration ADR 001: Provide API-based security scans
Last modified August 23, 2024: Ensure frontmatter is consistent (e47101dc)