Infrastructure and Quality department


This page is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please refer to the Developer Experience page.


Our vision is to be a world-class Infrastructure & Tools department that enables GitLab to meet & exceed our customers’ needs.


  1. Build critical infrastructure, metrics & tools that enable GitLab Engineering & Product teams to do their best work efficiently and ship high-quality & reliable products to our customers.
  2. Are customer focused. We have an ambitious drive to attain high availability & reliability for SaaS platforms and self-managed customers.
  3. Provide and maintain best practice tools and methodologies that create a platform for engineering teams to do their work productively.
  4. Enable GitLab Engineering & Product teams to run services effectively using our tools, to meet business needs & SLOs.


Direction is set within the Infrastructure, and the Quality direction pages. With the ongoing consolidation of the departments, separate direction pages will become obsolete.

Working with us

With the consolidation of previously separate departments (Infrastructure, Quality), we are in the process of also consolidating previously separate handbook pages:

We welcome contributions, and if you find an opportunity to consolidate information, please submit a Merge Request!

Engaging with the Infrastructure teams

Two distinct groups are responsible for infrastructure at GitLab:

  • Platforms, responsible for software delivery, scaling and operations of single and multi tenant GitLab SaaS
  • Reliability, which operate all user-facing services.

To create an issue, or find how to engage with the related teams you can use the links below:

Engaging with the Quality teams


In addition to GitLab’s communication guidelines and engineering communication, we communicate and collaborate actively across GitLab in the following venues:


GitLab is an all-remote, timezone distributed company as such we optimize for asynchronous communication. While some topics benefit from a real-time discussion, we should always evaluate meetings to ensure they are valuable. We follow the guidance for all-remote meetings, including starting and ending on time - or earlier.

Infrastructure and Quality team calendars are shared with the company.

A well prepared meeting:

  1. must have a Google Doc agenda attached to the invite, organized by date, and with edit rights open to GitLab. This allows participants to prepare before the start of each meeting, and take notes druing the meeting.
  2. must start on time
  3. can have a read-only, and discussion section. Read-only section does not get verbalized, but the questions around read-only items can be asked in the discussion section
  4. can have multiple topics.
  5. can be deliberately be scheduled to occur twice to better include all global participants. This is considered to be the same meeting, just held at different times.

The following cross-functional meetings are regularly scheduled:

Topics Meeting Participants Cadence
Incident Review and followup Incident Review (internal only) All Engineering Tues
SaaS Availability & Reliability work prioritization SaaS Availaiblity weekly standup (internal only) All Engineering Tues
Performance Indicator Review Infrastructure Key Meeting (internal only) Eng VP Staff, Finance & Exec leadership Monthly
Group Conversation Group Conversation (internal only) All Company Quarterly
Practical exercises to improve team capabilities Firedrills (internal only) All Infra Weds
Discussions for Oncall Handover & Newsletter Oncall Handover Ending & Starting EOC Tues
Quality all-hands meeting Quality Department Bi-Weekly Quality Every other Wed/Thur
Quality team demo’s and discussion Quality Test Architecture & Coffee Quality Every other Wed/Thur
Reliability oncall handover meetings, newsletter discussion Team Newsletter issues Reliability Weekly
Anything for Reliability Leadership Reliability Ask me Anything Reliability (anyone is welcome) Monthly (last Wednesday)


Department level view of OKR and scoring is on our Infrastructure & Quality OKR page

Each sub-department has different guidance on OKR:

Key Review

Key Review meetings provide the department leadership an opportunity to inform the executive team of our performance indicator progress, results on OKRs, and updates on any Cross-functional Key Initiatives which we are leading.

Key Review meetings are facilitated and led by the currently responsible VP, with Directors being the backup DRIs.

Group Conversations

Group Conversation meetings take the information from the Key Review (plus any additional topics) and present this to an audience that is all of GitLab, and for Infrastructure, is a Public livestream.

Coordination of Infrastructure-Quality Group Conversation materials and facilitation of the discussion is a rotating role among the managers within the department.

Group Conversation DRI Schedule

Quick checklist for the host (time order):

  1. Make the GC slides (copy from a prior presentation) ~ 10 days before the GC
  2. Watch how to stream on youtube
  3. Do a test stream on youtube.
  4. Review the handbook instructions for Group Conversation Meeting Leaders and follow the required process.
  5. 20 minutes before - open up Zoom and check for any updates.

|GC Date|DRI| | 2023-04-26 | Platforms EM | | 2023-07-25 | Reliability EM | | 2023-11-09 | Quality Engineering EM | | 2024-01-24 | Engineering Productivity EM | |TBD| Engineering Analytics EM| |TBD| Platforms EM | |TBD| Reliability EM | |TBD| Quality EM | |TBD| Engineering Productivity EM | |TBD| Engineering Analytics EM |

Historical preparation for Quality sub-department is in the issue tracker with a group-conversation label.

Performance Indicators

Last modified February 5, 2025: Rename Quality/TP to Dev Ex (7aa0e635)