Marketing Analytics Data Overview and General Information

Marketing Analytics, as the embedded data team for the Marketing Org, relies heavily upon and adheres closely to the guidelines, rules, and best practices of the Central Data Team (CDT). ßBelow are a few brief overviews of core concepts involved in the data work performed by the Marketing Analytics team - for further details and more granular information, please review the CDT/Enterprise Data Team handbook pages.

Data Modeling Best Practices

As one of the core principles of the CDT’s data modeling practices, Marketing Analytics follows the guidelines for creating Trusted Data wherever and whenever possible. Essentially, Trusted Data (TD) means that the models, at every step of the way, adhere to all coding and style guides and the information/results have been fully vetted as accurate and reliable. For you, the consumer, it means that you know the numbers and results you are viewing are correct.

Data modeling is both an artform and a science. There are numerous methodologies and guides to perform this task, and CDT has provided the Marketing Analytics team (and all other embedded data teams) with a number of very helpful tools - ranging from the SQL Style Guide, which outlines the ideal formats and functions for all SQL code in the data warehouse; to the Kimball Methodology, the framework for the ways that the various levels of models should be constructed and fit together to form the final tables ingested into Tableau for analysis.

The Kimball Methodology outlines key “stages” of table creation along the path from the raw source data to the fully ingestible mart/report tables most heavily used in Tableau and other BI tools.

  1. Raw/Source
    1. We start at the source layer, which is the system housing the data that needs to be analyzed (i.e. Salesforce, Marketo, Iterable, etc.)
    2. The raw fields for each object (i.e. Opportunity, Account, Contact, etc.) are ingested, formatted, and named clearly and accurately in the raw/source table.
  2. Prep
    1. The raw/source fields are next pulled into a prep layer. It is here that base-level calculations, transformations, and other logical modeling steps are performed on the raw data to prepare it for the next stage in its data journey.
    2. The prep layer is often the most complex of the layers, as it is the core repository for the primary logic performed on the raw data.
  3. Dim/Fct
    1. The prep models are split into two distinct tables
      1. Fct: This table has a single unique ID as well as numerous other joinable IDs for a given object/data set. It is here that dates, IDs, and measurements (the numbers involved in business decisions) are stored and prepared.
      2. Dim: This table houses a single unique ID for a given object/data set and then all of the descriptive information of a single ID-row of a fct table.
        1. Each ID in a fct will have a single Dim table, and each Dim table will only have a single ID within it.
        2. Dims are joined together by joining to the fct table that they share in common.
  4. Mart
    1. The mart layer combines the dims and fct models together to become a complete whole.
    2. Marts have very little logic or calculations within them as they serve, primarily, to present a queryable final table for a given object or business process.
  5. Report (rpt)
    1. Report tables are built off of marts (usually). They are filtered offshoots of the whole mart data set and serve as a queryable table for a refined business question or process.
    2. Example: You may have a mart of all opportunities in Salesforce, while having a report/rpt of all closed won opportunities - pre-filteering the mart’s results provides a smaller and more agile data set when you know you only want a portion of the mart’s whole.

Tech Stack Overview

CDT’s and thus Marketing Analytics’ data pipeline tech stack is straightforward, efficient, and effective.

It starts with extracting the raw/source data from each source system, as shown in the CDT Sources table. The extraction happens with a variety of tools based on which tool best supports the specific source system. In Marketing we primarily rely on Stitch (SFDC) and FiveTran (Marketo and Iterable and others). The extraction tool grabs all specified columns for each synced table/object and creates a raw-level table of those fields.

These raw tables are extracted into Snowflake, the repo/hub of all data at GitLab.

The next layer is the data build tool (dbt), which is a transformation layer of the modeling process. In dbt, SQL and other code is written to further transform, refine, calculate, and concatenate various fields and logic sets to create the prep layer as mentioned above.

The finished tables that dbt creates are once again pushed to Snowflake, where the dbt-created tables will live, accessible in the CDT data catalog, otherwise referred to as the Data Warehouse.

The last step in the process is to ingest the finished dbt-created, snowflake-housed tables into our BI tool of choice, which is usually Tableau - where dashboards and charts are created from the various tables, to allow easy analyses.

Data Flow

Source System Source Object Source Table Prep Table Dim Table Fct Table Mart Table
SFDC Account sfdc_account_source prep_crm_account dim_crm_account fct_crm_account mart_crm_account
SFDC Bizible Attribution Touchpoint sfdc_bizible_attribution_touchpoint_source prep_crm_attribution_touchpoint dim_crm_touchpoint fct_crm_attribution_touchpoint mart_crm_attribution_touchpoint
SFDC Bizible Person sfdc_bizible_person_source prep_crm_person dim_crm_person fct_crm_person mart_crm_person
SFDC Bizible Touchpoint sfdc_bizible_touchpoint_source prep_crm_touchpoint dim_crm_touchpoint fct_crm_touchpoint mart_crm_touchpoint
SFDC Campaign sfdc_campaign_source prep_campaign dim_campaign fct_campaign N/A
SFDC Campaign Member sfdc_campaign_member_source prep_campaign dim_campaign fct_campaign N/A
SFDC Contact sfdc_contact_source prep_crm_person dim_crm_person fct_crm_person mart_crm_person
SFDC Event sfdc_event_source prep_crm_event dim_crm_event fct_crm_event mart_crm_event
SFDC Lead sfdc_lead_source prep_crm_person dim_crm_person fct_crm_person mart_crm_person
SFDC Opportunity sfdc_opportunity_source prep_crm_opportunity dim_crm_opportunity fct_crm_opportunity mart_crm_opportunity
SFDC Task sfdc_task_source prep_crm_task dim_crm_task fct_crm_task mart_crm_task
SFDC Users sfdc_users_source prep_crm_user dim_crm_user N/A N/A
Marketo Activitiy-specific source tables Marketo model source prep_marketo_activity dim_marketo_activity fct_marketo_activity mart_marketo_activity
Marketo Lead/Person marketo_lead_source prep_marketo_person N/A N/A mart_marketo_person
Iterable Campaign History iterable_campaign_history_source prep_iterable_campaign WIP WIP WIP
Iterable Campaign List History iterable_campaign_list_history_source prep_iterable_campaign WIP WIP WIP
Iterable Campaign Metrics iterable_campaign_metrics_source prep_iterable_campaign_metrics WIP WIP WIP
Iterable Campaign Suppression List History iterable_campaign_suppression_list_history_source prep_iterable_campaign WIP WIP WIP
Iterable Channel iterable_channel_source prep_iterable_user WIP WIP WIP
Iterable Email Link Param History iterable_email_link_param_history_source prep_iterable_email_template WIP WIP WIP
Iterable Email Template History iterable_email_template_history_source prep_iterable_email_template WIP WIP WIP
Iterable Event iterable_event_source prep_iterable_event WIP WIP WIP
Iterable List iterable_list_source prep_iterable_list WIP WIP WIP
Iterable List User History iterable_list_user_history_source prep_iterable_list WIP WIP WIP
Iterable Message Type iterable_message_type_source prep_iterable_message_type WIP WIP WIP
Iterable Template History iterable_template_history_source prep_iterable_email_template WIP WIP WIP
Iterable User History iterable_user_history_source prep_iterable_user WIP WIP WIP
Iterable User Unsubscribed Channel iterable_user_unsubscribed_channel_source prep_iterable_user WIP WIP WIP
Iterable User Unsubscribed Message iterable_user_unsubscribed_message_type_source prep_iterable_message_type WIP WIP WIP

Marketing Data Models

All GitLab data models are grouped and categorized in snowflake/dbt through a series of folders and hierarchy. Below are the primary Marketing data models, there folders, links, and descriptions. We’ve added another lvel of organization, the Grouping field, which is a custom grouping of the data models based on their usage and lineage. The list of groupings below, preceding the data model inventory table, will you give you a brief understanding of what each grouping represents.


Grouping Description
Event Performance Models to calculate and analyze Event data streams.
L2R Models built off the Lead to Revenue model. L2R is a consolidation of SFDC PErsons (leads/contacts), Accounts, Opportunities, and Bizible Touchpoints.
Marketo Models built off of Marketo source data. These are often used in conjuction with the L2R and Presentation Layer Model groupings for additional fields and information.
Presentation Layer Model Models used in active and public Tableau Dashboards. These models are the most commonly used and presented for analysis.
SFDC Models built off of the SFDC Source tables. These are often used in conjuction with the L2R and Presentation Layer Model groupings for additional fields and information.
Web Models built to model out web traffic data (top of funnel).


Model Name Model Folder Grouping Description Link
wk_rpt_event_registration workspace_marketing/restricted_safe Event Performance Table of Event registration data.
rpt_l2r_campaign_interactions common_mart_marketing/restricted_safe L2R Tableau-specific table that unions mart_crm_touchpoint with person, campaign data joined on and mart_crm_attribution_touchpoint with person, campaign and oppunitiy data.
rpt_l2r_campaign_interactions_paid_account common_mart_marketing/restricted_safe L2R Filtered version of rpt_l2r_campaign_interactions on current paying accounts only
rpt_l2r_community_data common_mart_marketing/restricted_safe L2R Tableau-specific table that joins Zuora, Opportunity, and Lead To Revenue data to hone in on the community-owned opportunities and their related data points.
rpt_l2r_prospects common_mart_marketing/restricted_safe L2R A refined subset of the rpt_lead_to_revenue, focused exclusively on prospect data. It includes records where touchpoint dates and pipeline creation dates fall within the rolling past 365-day window
rpt_lead_to_revenue common_mart_marketing/restricted_safe L2R A consolidation and combination of the major SFDC Objects: Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, and Touchpoints. This model supports full funnel analysis and cohorting of data.
wk_rpt_l2r_cohort_model workspace_marketing/restricted_safe L2R The basis of marketing/sales cohort analyses built from L2R, with pre-defined conversion dates at a per-record granularity.
marketo_form_fills_missing_touchpoints workspace_marketing Marketo Table of Marketo Form fills that don’t have corresponding Bizible Touchpoints.
mart_marketo_activity common_mart_marketing/restricted_safe Marketo The Marketo Activity table.
mart_marketo_person common_mart_marketing Marketo The Marketo Person table.
mart_marketing_contact_no_pii common_mart_marketing Presentation Layer Model A consolidation of major tech stack systems, focused on unifying person IDs across source systems.
rpt_event_performance workspace_marketing/restricted_safe Presentation Layer Model Table of Event-based performance metrics.
rpt_marketing_influenced_pipeline workspace_marketing/restricted_safe Presentation Layer Model Table that calculates Marketing influence on pipeline metrics.
rpt_marketing_influenced_pipeline_live workspace_marketing/restricted_safe Presentation Layer Model Table that calculates Marketing influence on pipeline metrics based on Live data.
rpt_sales_dev_activity workspace_marketing/restricted_safe Presentation Layer Model Table of Sales Dev activities and engagements from SFDC data sources.
mart_crm_attribution_touchpoint common_mart_marketing SFDC The SFDC/Bizible Attribution Touchpoint mart table.
mart_crm_event common_mart_sales SFDC The SFDC Event object table.
mart_crm_person common_mart_marketing SFDC The SFDC Person (lead/contact) table.
mart_crm_task common_mart_sales SFDC The SFDC Task object able.
mart_crm_touchpoint common_mart_marketing SFDC The SFDC /Bizible Person/Buyer Touchpoint table.
digital_ads workspace_marketing Paid Media A general consolidation of digital ad data.
ga_session_hit workspace_marketing Web Joins Google Analytics 360 Session and Hit tables. Each row is a hit with the session data, which is repeated for each hit.
ga360_session_hit_custom_dimension workspace_marketing Web Table of GA360 Session Custom data.
just_global_media_buys workspace_marketing Paid Media Table of Media expenditure from Just Global.
handbook_values_page_contributors workspace_marketing Git log of contributors to the Values handbook page.
namespace_campaign_attribution workspace_marketing/restricted_safe Table that combines Namespaces and Campaign data for attribution purposes.
rpt_create_partner_touchpoints workspace_marketing/restricted_safe A view used to find marketing ready partners and create touchpoints for them with hightouch
wk_bdg_user_company workspace_marketing A table to be used to connect GitLab[dot]com users to companies
wk_dim_company workspace_marketing Table of Company data points - outside of SFDC.
wk_marketing_unified_funnel workspace_marketing An approach to create a unified funnel of Marketing metrics.
wk_rpt_giltab_16_expiring_tokens workspace_marketing Table of GitLab DotCom tokens set to expire.
Last modified February 24, 2025: Creating Marketing Analytics Data page (ec253af0)