Editing content into different topic types
We often write pages of documentation that contain disparate kinds of information. We want to make sure we’re telling readers everything they need to know.
However, research shows that information is easier to digest if it’s presented in repeatable patterns, so at GitLab we’re moving toward using industry-standard topic types.
Each topic, or section on a page under a heading, should be identifiable as a concept, task, reference, or troubleshooting topic. This structure helps our users recognize patterns and makes both searching and scanning more efficient.
The following examples are intended to help you understand how to take existing information and edit it into topics of specific types.
Concept and task topics: Before
The following topic was trying to be all things to all people. It provided information about groups and where to find them. It reiterated what was visible in the UI.
Concept and task topics: After
The information is easier to scan if you move it into concepts and tasks.
Reference topic: Before
This topic was a compilation of a variety of information and was difficult to scan.
Reference topic: After
The information in the Overview topic is now organized in a table that’s easy to scan. It also has a more searchable title.