Account deletions

Support Operations documentation page for the account deletion form and processor

Introduced via support-team-meta#1329

What is the account deletion form?

The account deletion form is a simple HTMl form generated via GitLab Pages that is used for account deletion and data privacy requests.

The source code for it is located here.

What is the account deletion processor?

The account deletion processor is a set of scripts that handle requests sent from the account deletion form.

The source code for it is located here.

What are the triage policies?

Utilizing the GitLab Triage Gem, the triage policies are a group of conditions and actions that are enacted upon issues within the Account Deletion and Other Requests project.

The source code for it is located here

How does it all work?

The account deletion form, when submitted, sends an AJAX request to trigger a pipeline on This then runs the code of the account deletion processor.

The account deletion processor will then analyze the response to determine the validity of the request itself. The end result of this analyzing is an issue being created via service desk.

The triage policies of the project where the issue is made then act on the issue depending on the various conditions used within.

Change management

Currently, the form is set to send the pipeline triggers to the master branch of the processor. This means that any merge requests made to the corresponding repos produce changes in real time. As such, these are “on demand” style changes and all “scheduling” should occur via the parent issue of the changes themselves.

Last modified January 18, 2024: Support Readiness Handbook Revamp Part 1 (dc7e3936)