Support Operations documentation page for Salesforce

Sections of a Salesforce Account page

There are many sections to an account page, but the ones most important to us in Support Ops are detailed here.

Account Detail

This section details a good bit of information, but the most important ones to Support Ops are:

Field API Name Why its important
Account Name Name The account’s name, this syncs to the Org’s name in Zendesk
Type Type Tells us the type of account. As we don’t sync all types of accounts, this is important for syncing to Zendesk
Account Owner (Text) Account_Owner_Calc__c The Account Manager, we use this when we need assistance with the customer


This section details a good bit of information, but the most important ones to Support Ops are:

Field API Name Why its important
Sales Segment Ultimate_Parent_Sales_Segment_Employees__c This tells us the sales segmentation of the account, which we sync to Zendesk
Account Territory Account_Territory__c This tells us the account territory, which we use for US Federal syncing
Region Region__c This tells us the region, which we sync to Zendesk

GitLab Subscription Information

This section details a good bit of information, but the most important ones to Support Ops are:

Field API Name Why its important
Next Renewal Date Next_Renewal_Date__c We use this to help determine false expired accounts in the Zendesk sync
CARR (This Account) CARR_This_Account__c The ARR of the account, we sync this to Zendesk
Number of Licenses Sold (This Account) Number_of_Licenses_This_Account__c The number of seats in a license, we sync this to Zendesk

Customer Success

This section details a good bit of information, but the most important ones to Support Ops are:

Field API Name Why its important
[GS] Health Score Color GS_Health_Score_Color__c The Gainsight health score, we sync this to Zendesk
Customer Success Manager Technical_Account_Manager_Name__c The CSM, we sync this to Zendesk
Solutions Architect Solutions_Architect_Lookup__r The SA, we sync this to US Federal Zendesk


This section contains a list of approved contacts for the Account. These users are auto-associated in Zendesk.


Here, all subscriptions the account has had are listed. This is important as we often need to review these to determine if an account’s support level is incorrectly set or not. The most important parts to look at are the start and end dates.

Subscription Product & Charges

This section contains the products tied to subscriptions. Here we can determine if the support level is accurate or not based on the subscription name and the effective end date.

Searching in Salesforce

Go to the any Salesforce page (the main page works, but all pages contain the search form) and click in the textbox in the top-left of the page. In this box, type your search term (see recommended search methods to help here). After you have entered your search term, hit the enter/return key on your keyboard to perform the search.

There is an art to performing a solid search which takes time and practice to get the hang of. That said, there are some general recommendations that can help you ensure you get the results you are aiming for:

  • When search for an organization, try to use the more unique and specific parts of the organization name. Many contain words like Inc, GmbH, etc. Try to omit those and other common word pairs that might muddle your results.
  • When searching for a contact, try using the email address or domain of the email address. This often will remove common results that are found based on common names.

Understanding search results

A standard search in Salesforce will search through the following objects:

  • Accounts
  • Contacts
  • Leads
  • Opportunities

While there are many other objects you could expand the search to, this is often not needed and can complicate (and lengthen) the search process. Once you perform the search, locate the section that corresponds what you were looking for.

If you are searching for an Account (i.e. Organization), the top section of the search results is your go-to. In the results, you can see the names of the found results, as well as the Type of Account. Knowing what type of account you are looking for (i.e prospect vs customer vs partners) will help you in locating the correct Account to click on for further review.

If you are searching for a Contact (i.e. User), the second section of the search results is your go-to. In the results, you can see name, email, and account name. You can use these to help locate the contact you wish to find and be sure it corresponds to the organization the contact should be a part of.