Global Apps
Advanced SAST App
Introduced via support-team-meta#6652
The Advanced SAST App is a ticket app that enables a quick working of User requests for source code of LGPL-licensed components in GitLab Advanced SAST.
App information:
- Located in the ticket sidebar
- Restricted by Group:
- Support AMER
- Support APAC
- Support EMEA
- This application was developed in-house and can be found GitLab Super App project.
Advanced Search
Advanced Search is an app that provides a simple visual interface for constructing complex search queries against tickets, users, and organizations (orgs). It also enables you to export the search results in a CSV format.
App information:
- Located in the navbar
- This application was developed by Zendesk and is available in the Zendesk Marketplace.
GitLab Duo
This app enables the use of GitLab Duo in Zendesk.
App information:
- Located in the topbar
- This application was developed in-house and can be found GitLab duo project.
GitLab Reminders App
Introduced via support-team-meta#3036
The Reminders App appears in the navbar and allows the agent a more specialized view of tickets they are involved in. It currently shows:
- Tickets assigned to you with a pending/overdue task that are not in a Closed state
- Recent tickets you have viewed
- Tickets assigned to you that are not in a Closed state
- Tickets you are CC’d on that are not in a Closed state
It also allows you to quickly manage your tasks by seeing the notes you have left for said task, when it is due, and a button to quickly mark the task as done (remove the notes and due date).
App information:
- Located in the navbar
- This application was developed in-house and can be found GitLab Reminders App project.
GitLab Search
This app lets you use the API to search for issues/merge requests within Zendesk.
App information:
- Located in the topbar
- This application was developed in-house and can be found GitLab Search project.
GitLab Super App
Introduced via support-ops-project#801
A plugin controlled app that can do several things GitLab related
The current plugins are:
- User Lookup
This lets you search for a username or email. It then displays information based on the results.
- Namespace Lookup
This lets you search for a namespace. It then displays information based on the results.
- Collaboration Project
This checks the organization for a collaboration project ID. If one exists, it then provides a link to said project.
- Two Factor Auth Helper
This creates a usable form to checking if a 2FA verification has passed. It calculates the Risk Factor from the Data Classification and modifies it to reflect the passed challenges.
- Email Suppressions
This searches mailgun for suppressions from bounces (note it does not do it on complaints or unsubscribes). It will display the results (with the message for the suppression).
It also gives the option of removing the suppression (if one if found). Doing so deletes it from mailgun and adds an intenral comment on the ticket with the results of the suppression deletion.
- Fieldnotes
This app checks the Fieldnotes project for any existing Issues which reference the current Zendesk ticket ID. If no existing Issues are found, then agents are able to create a new Fieldnotes Issue from directly within the Zendesk ticket.
- Two Factor Auth Validator
This app checks values entered by a support engineer and does a validation check. This effectively acts as the second layer of validation
App information:
- Located in the ticket sidebar
- Restricted by Group:
- Support AMER
- Support APAC
- Support EMEA
- This application was developed in-house and can be found GitLab Super App project.
GitLab Views
The GitLab Views appears in the navbar and allows the agent a more customizable set if Zendesk views.
App information:
- Located in the navbar
- Restricted by Group:
- Support AMER
- Support APAC
- Support EMEA
- Support Managers
- Support Ops
- This application was developed in-house and can be found GitLab Views App project.
Introduced via support-team-meta#4208
This app incorporates Mechanizer into Zendesk.
App information:
- Located in the ticket sidebar
- Restricted by Group:
- Support AMER
- Support APAC
- Support EMEA
- This application was developed in-house and can be found at Mechanizer project
Notifications App
This app handles posting notifications at the top of the screen, depending on various conditions and user settings.
Note: This app is opt-in. This means nothing will happen unless you modify your user settings to receive notifications.
App information:
- Located in the Top Navigation of Zendesk Global
- Restricted by Group:
- Support AMER
- Support APAC
- Support EMEA
- Support Managers
- Support Ops
- This applicate was developed in-house and can be found at Notification app project
Current events that trigger the app
The following events will send data to the app for notification processing:
- Agent private comment made on ticket
- Agent public comment made on ticket
- Customer public comment made on ticket
- Emergency ticket created
- Escalated ticket created
- Tickets being STAR’d
- Tickets created by specific organizations
User settings
The current user settings, which will determine what notifications you will (and will not) recieve are:
- Play notification sound
- Checking this box tells the app to play the notification sound.
- Notify me for
- This tells the app what kind of tickets to notify you for
- Values:
- Assigned tickets only
- CC’d tickets only
- All tickets
- Notify me about
- This tells the app what kind of events to notify you for
- Values:
- All public comments (agent and customer)
- Only public comments from agents
- Only public comments from customers
- Only private comments
- All types of comments
- Notify me only for tickets with priority
- This tells the app which priorities to notify you on
- Values:
- at least Urgent
- at least High
- at least Medium
- at least Low
- Note A blank value is assumed to be “all priorities”
- Also notify me for escalated ticket creation
- This dictates if you want to be notified via the app when an escalated organization creates a ticket.
- Note This works independently of all other settings.
- Also notify me for emergency ticket creation
- This dictates if you want to be notified via the app when an emergency ticket is created.
- Note This works independently of all other settings.
- Also notify me for STARs
- Also notify me for soon to breach tickets on
- This dictates if you want to be notified via the app when a ticket is about to breach (within 2 hours)
- Values:
- Assigned tickets only
- CC’d tickets only
- Tickets within my SGG only
- All tickets
- Note This works independently of all other settings.
- Also notify me for tickets created via specific orgs
- This dictates if you want to be notified via the app when a ticket is created by a specific organization
- The list should be comma separated
- Example, if you want to be notified for organizations 123, 456, and 789,
use the value
or123, 456, 789
- Example, if you want to be notified for organizations 123, 456, and 789,
use the value
- Note This works independently of all other settings.
For information on editing your personal user settings, please see Zendesk’s documentation.
Future iterations
This app is slated to grow consistently with new forms of notifications. Keep an eye on Support Readiness milestones, the SWIR, and other channels of communications for updates (as well as this seciton of the docs).
Out of Office
Introduced via support-team-meta#4303
This will enable an agent to mark when they are out of office in Zendesk, which then updates tickets and makes it visible in the views.
Managers are also able to do this for their reports.
App information:
- Located in the navbar
- Restricted by Group:
- Support AMER
- Support APAC
- Support EMEA
- This application was developed in-house and can be found Out of Office project
Support Ops Super App
A plugin controlled app that can do several things Support Ops related
The current plugins are:
- Namespace Lookup
This lets you search for a namespace. It then displays information based on the results. This is related to the one in the GitLab Super App, but instead it shows less information and shows the SFDC IDs it is associated with.
- Project Lookup
This lets you search for a project. It then displays information based on the results.
- Attempt Association
On tickets where the product type is
, clicking the button on the plugin will attempt to auto-associate the requester to an organizaiton. If that is not possible, it will detail why it was not possible. - Associate User
On a Support Ops ticket, it will ask you for an email address. It will then use the organization on the current ticket to associate said email address to that organization.
- CMP Developers
Outputs a list of CMP developers (by email) for an organization (if it has a CMP)
App information:
- Located in the ticket sidebar
- Restricted by Role:
- Admin
- This application was developed in-house and can be found Support Ops Super App project.
Introduced via support-team-meta#1664
Powered by state-of-the-art AI and a worldwide community of translators, Unbabel delivers translation at enterprise scale. We help you serve customers in any language, with fast, native-quality translations of your customer support tickets in Zendesk.
App information:
- Located in the ticket sidebar
- Restricted by Group:
- Support AMER
- Support APAC
- Support EMEA
- This application was developed by Unbabel and is available in the Zendesk Marketplace.
Configuring Unbabel in Zendesk
Every Agent profile in Zendesk needs to be individually configured so that only tickets submitted in the supported languages are translated.
To do this you can use a javascript snippet created internally.
You can also do the configuration manually by following these steps.
- Open any existing ticket in Zendesk and navigate to and open the Apps sidebar.
- Scroll to the Unbabel app and click on Settings.
- Add all the languages except those supported by GitLab to the “Languages you speak” list.
- When you are finished, click the Save button.
Replying with a Translation
To request a translation automatically, simply reply as you normally would as an internal note with the #unbabel hashtag included at the top of your content. As per our working with tickets workflow, please remember to assign yourself to the ticket if the ticket doesn’t currently have an assignee when you respond.
Please also ensure that the unbabel_en
, unbabel_reply
tags are included, otherwise your response might not be translated
automatically. Should this happen, you will need to add the missing tags, and
create a new internal note with the #unbabel hashtag included at the top of
your content.
Once you submit your response, it may take several seconds for Unbabel to automatically translate your internal comment, but it can take several minutes if a human is required to manually translate your internal comment. To view the status of the translation, you can open the Apps sidebar in the ticket, and scroll down to the Unbabel for Zendesk Support box.
After a translated response has been sent to the customer via Unbabel it is
necessary to manually set the ticket status as Pending since Unbabel will
incorrectly set the ticket status as Open. You must do this with an empty
comment (remove any #unbabel
added by the plugin, before you Submit as
Excluding Text from Translation
The highlighted code can be skipped for translation by adding 3 brackets around the text:
<<< text/code >>>
The above can also be used to protect sensitive information from a human translator when sending a translation request.
Disabling Unbabel in a Specific Ticket
Sometimes Unbabel is triggered if a customer’s signature was written in a language that requires translation but the customer replies in English, and the translation is not needed. In this case, there is a way to disable Unbabel in this specific ticket:
- Open the ticket in question.
- Click Apps > Unbabel for Zendesk Support.
theCustomer language
From now on, Unbabel will not be triggered in this ticket.
Help with Translation
If for some reason you have difficulty in understanding the automated
translation, an actual human intervention can actually be requested. Simply
click the link Can't understand the translation?
in the Unbabel app box and
this will send your response for translation to Unbabel editors.
Best Practices for Unbabel
As indicated in the training session, please keep in mind of the following best practices when writing a response for translation.
- Respond in one language
- It is likely that you can speak another language and understand what the customer is trying to say. Please ensure that you only use the English language when responding tickets as the system may not detect the language correctly.
- Copy only the body of the content that needs translation.
- When referring to a quoted texts from our customers, please only use the content that requires translation. Including snippets/code/elements may take more time to translate and could result in a mistranslation.
- Mind the punctuation.
- Punctuation can be sometimes tricky for Unbabel so please be sure there are no unnecessary periods/punctuations in between.
- Single Word Use
- It is likely that the response you are sending may be lost in translation,
for example the word
would differ to aboarding pass
- It is likely that the response you are sending may be lost in translation,
for example the word
Troubleshooting Errors in the Unbabel App
Error: Unexpected Error (The HTTP call to /api/zendesk/v3/tickets/translate/ returned 403)
This error usually occurs when a request to translate Zendesk ticket fails with a 403 status code. This is often due to Cloudflare’s security system incorrectly detecting the ticket content as potentially malicious, thus preventing the request from reaching Unbabel’s servers.
To verify if Cloudflare is blocking the request, check the Network
response in your browser’s developer tools when the error occurs.
If you see this error, reach out to Unbabel Support Team by emailing
. Provide the ticket ID, details of the error, and what you observed in the Network
response within the browser’s developer tools.
Temporary workaround: While Unbabel Support is investigating the issue, you can advise the ticket assignee to temporarily use Unbabel’s TowerLLM demo to manually translate their ticket replies.
Zendesk Triggers
Unbabel relies on two Zendesk triggers to work properly. These should never be changed, as it can cause significant problems.
Zendesk Super App
Introduced via support-ops-project#801
A plugin controlled app that can do several things Zendesk related
The current plugins are:
- Create new ticket
Allows an agent to create a new ticket using the same user as the ticket they are currently on.
- Due date picker
This allows you to customize what the Due Date for a Task ticket is set for. By default, Zendesk only allows setting the date. This enables you to set the date, time, and timezone.
You can also set the Due Date Note and disable (or enable) task notifications using this app.
- Escalated tickets
This searches for tickets under the organization that have been escalated within the last 6 months.
- Related tickets
This looks for tickets related to the current one based off the category (or subcategory) the ticket is currently using. It then displays up to 5 of them (sorted by the update_at value of the ticket, descending).
- Attachments
Displays attachments present on the ticket.
App information:
- Located in the ticket sidebar
- Restricted by Group:
- Support AMER
- Support APAC
- Support EMEA
- This application was developed in-house and can be found Zendesk Super App project.
Introduced via support-team-meta#6689
Enables the use of GitLab Duo in Zendesk for various actions
App information:
- Located in the ticket sidebar
- This application was developed in-house and can be found ZenDuo project.
Please note this app uses an OAuth application. If one of those in needed in the future (or if the one for this one needs to be regenerated), but file an Access Request using the Individual_Bulk_Access_Request template