ZD-SFDC sync

Support Operations documentation page for our Zendesk<>Salesforce Sync

What is the Zendesk-Salesforce Sync?

The Zendesk-Salesforce Sync (ZD<>SFDC sync for short) is a set of scripts that are run via GitLab CI/CD to handle the interaction between Zendesk and Salesforce. What it does exactly depends on the project itself:

Name What it does
salesforce-cases Creates and updates Salesforce cases based on Zendesk tickets
zd-sfdc-sync-global Syncs Salesforce account data into Zendesk organizations
zd-sfdc-sync-us-federal Syncs Salesforce account data into Zendesk organizations
Syncs Salesforce contacts data into Zendesk users

Zendesk Global organizations sync

This first gathers the data from Salesforce. This is done via the following SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) query:

SOQL query used
SELECT Account_ID_18__c, Name, Type, Ultimate_Parent_Sales_Segment_Employees__c, Account_Owner_Calc__c, Technical_Account_Manager_Name__c, GS_Health_Score_Color__c, Restricted_Account__c, Solutions_Architect_Lookup__r.Name, Account_Demographics_Geo__c, Latest_Sold_To_Contact__r.Email, Latest_Sold_To_Contact__r.Name, Partner_Track__c, Partners_Partner_Type__c, Support_Hold__c, ( SELECT Id, Name, Zuora__ProductName__c, Zuora__EffectiveEndDate__c, Zuora__Quantity__c, Zuora__TotalContractValue__c, Subscription_Status__c FROM Zuora__R00N40000001lGjTEAU__r WHERE Zuora__EffectiveEndDate__c != NULL ), ( SELECT Name, Zuora__SoldToWorkEmail__c FROM Zuora__R00N40000001kyLcEAI__r WHERE IsDeleted = false ORDER BY CreatedDate ASC LIMIT 1 ) FROM Account WHERE Type != 'Prospect' AND ( Type IN ('Customer', 'Former Customer') OR ( Type = 'Partner' AND Partners_Partner_Status__c IN ('Authorized', 'Former') AND Partners_Partner_Type__c IN ('Alliance', 'Channel') AND Partner_Track__c IN ('Open', 'Select', 'Technology') ) )

This data is then processed by the script to verify the account’s subscriptions (both Customer and Zuora). It also locates the sold-to emails of the subscriptions to later attempt user creation (if it is a new organization in Zendesk).

While doing this, it also locates accounts that are classified as “greatly expired” (meaning they have been expired for 3 or more years). It puts these into a separate object for use later.

From here, it then gathers all the organization data from Zendesk Global. This does very little actual processing of the data, short of ignoring tags that aren’t related to the sync itself.

The scripts then compares the data from Salesforce and the data from Zendesk Global. From this comparison, it locates Zendesk Global organizations that need to be updated and ones that need to be created.

The scripts will then begin syncing this information to Zendesk Global, updating organizations that need updating and creating the ones that need creation. For organizations that need to be created, it will also attempt to create contacts for them based off the information of the subscriptions (gathered earlier).

Once that is done, the scripts then remove all “greatly expired” organizations from Zendesk Global in accordance with our data retention policy.

Zendesk US Government organizations sync

Note This set of scripts also handles the Zendesk US Government users sync. We have separated it into its own section for ease of readability.

This first gathers the data from Salesforce. This is done via the following SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) query:

SOQL query used
SELECT Account_ID_18__c, Name, Ultimate_Parent_Sales_Segment_Employees__c, Account_Owner_Calc__c, Technical_Account_Manager_Name__c, GS_Health_Score_Color__c, Restricted_Account__c, Solutions_Architect_Lookup__r.Name, Support_Hold__c, ( SELECT Id, Name, Zuora__ProductName__c, Zuora__EffectiveEndDate__c, Zuora__Quantity__c, Zuora__TotalContractValue__c, Subscription_Status__c FROM Zuora__R00N40000001lGjTEAU__r ) FROM Account WHERE Id IN ( SELECT Zuora__Account__c FROM Zuora__SubscriptionProductCharge__c WHERE Subscription_Status__c = 'Active' AND Zuora__EffectiveEndDate__c >= #{(Date.today - 91.days).iso8601} AND ( Name IN ( '12x5 US Citizen Support - 1 Year', '12x5 US Citizen Support - 2 Year', '12x5 US Citizen Support - 3 Year', '12x5 US Citizen Support - Monthly', '24x7 US Citizen Support - 1 Year', '24x7 US Citizen Support - 2 Year', '24x7 US Citizen Support - 3 Year', '24x7 US Citizen Support - Monthly' ) OR Zuora__Account__r.Support_Instance__c = 'federal-support' ) )

This data is then processed by the script to verify the account’s subscriptions (both Customer and Zuora).

From here, it then gathers all the organization data from Zendesk US Government.

The scripts then compares the data from Salesforce and the data from Zendesk US Government. From this comparison, it locates Zendesk US Government organizations that need to be updated and ones that need to be created.

The scripts will then begin syncing this information to Zendesk US Government, updating organizations that need updating and creating the ones that need creation.

Zendesk US Government users sync

Note This set of scripts also handles the Zendesk US Government organizations sync. We have separated it into its own section for ease of readability.

This first gathers the data from Salesforce. This is done via the following SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) query:

SOQL query used
SELECT Name, Email, Account.Account_ID_18__c, Account.Name FROM Contact WHERE Inactive_Contact__c = false AND Name != '' AND Email != '' AND Role__c INCLUDES ('Gitlab Admin') AND ( NOT Email LIKE '%gitlab.com' ) AND Account.Type IN ('Customer', 'Former Customer') AND AccountId IN ( SELECT Zuora__Account__c FROM Zuora__SubscriptionProductCharge__c WHERE Subscription_Status__c = 'Active' AND Zuora__EffectiveEndDate__c >= #{(Date.today - 91.days).iso8601} AND ( Name IN ( '12x5 US Citizen Support - 1 Year', '12x5 US Citizen Support - 2 Year', '12x5 US Citizen Support - 3 Year', '12x5 US Citizen Support - Monthly', '24x7 US Citizen Support - 1 Year', '24x7 US Citizen Support - 2 Year', '24x7 US Citizen Support - 3 Year', '24x7 US Citizen Support - Monthly' ) OR Zuora__Account__r.Support_Instance__c = 'federal-support' ) )

This data is then processed to remove any contacts with duplicate emails or missing data.

From here, it then gathers all the user data from Zendesk US Government.

The scripts then compare the data from Salesforce and the data from Zendesk US Government. From this comparison, it locates Zendesk US Government users that need to be updated and ones that need to be created. It will use the organization data from the Zendesk US Government organizations sync to determine the organization ID.

The scripts will then begin syncing this information to Zendesk US Government, updating users that need updating and creating the ones that need creation.

Zendesk Salesforce cases sync

This is runs at two periods of time:

  • whenever a ticket with an organization associated is created
  • whenever a ticket with a matching Salesforce case is closed

For when a ticket is created, it will create a Salesforce case based off the Zendesk Global ticket data.

For when a ticket is closed, it will update the corresponding case to indicate it has been closed.

Pipeline error ‘1: No case ID to update’

This is a silent error, meaning that while it did occur, the code exits with a code of 0 (and thus, the pipeline does not actually fail).

This error occurs when there was not a SFDC case to update, as the corresponding field on the Zendesk ticket was blank.

As there was no actual case to update, no action is needed here and this can be safely ignored.

Pipeline error ‘2: Restforce::ErrorCode::InsufficientAccessOnCrossReferenceEntity’

This is a silent error, meaning that while it did occur, the code exits with a code of 0 (and thus, the pipeline does not actually fail).

This error indicates that when the script tried to create/update a case, SFDC stated that there was not sufficient permission on the object (reference) to do it. While this could be permission base, the error is a bit of a misnomer and in the sync’s case actually means that the parent reference (i.e. the SFDC account) did not exist.

As the actual SFDC account does not exist, no action is needed here and this can be safely ignored.

Pipeline error ‘3: Restforce::ErrorCode::UnableToLockRow’

This will cause an actual pipeline failure.

This error indicates that when trying to do a create/update, which requires locking a row in SFDC, it was unable to do so. This usually means something in either the specific reference (i.e. the case) or the parent reference (i.e the SFDC account) already had a lock in place that conflicts with the newly needed lock.

When this error occurs, the sync is set to retry the attempt 3 times (with 5 second back-off timers in-between attempts). If it continues to hit the same error after those attempts, the script ultimately reports the error and exits with a status code of 1.

To rectify this, you should wait about 10 minutes or so and retry the pipeline itself. If the results are the same after your manual retrying of the pipeline, it is best to create an issue in our issue tracker to have this investigated further by the team. Make sure to link to the failed pipeline!

Pipeline error ‘4: Faraday::ConnectionFailed’

This will cause an actual pipeline failure.

This means the Faraday connection attempt failed to fully connect. There can be a plethora of reasons for this to occur.

When this error occurs, the sync is set to retry the attempt 3 times (with 5 second back-off timers in-between attempts). If it continues to hit the same error after those attempts, the script ultimately reports the error and exits with a status code of 1.

To rectify this, you should wait about 10 minutes or so and retry the pipeline itself. If the results are the same after your manual retrying of the pipeline, it is best to create an issue in our issue tracker to have this investigated further by the team. Make sure to link to the failed pipeline!

Pipeline error ‘5: Net::OpenTimeout’

This will cause an actual pipeline failure.

This means the Faraday connection never got a response back from the host (SFDC) in an acceptable time frame. There can be a plethora of reasons for this to occur.

When this error occurs, the sync is set to retry the attempt 3 times (with 5 second back-off timers in-between attempts). If it continues to hit the same error after those attempts, the script ultimately reports the error and exits with a status code of 1.

To rectify this, you should wait about 10 minutes or so and retry the pipeline itself. If the results are the same after your manual retrying of the pipeline, it is best to create an issue in our issue tracker to have this investigated further by the team. Make sure to link to the failed pipeline!

Change management

As these are maintained via sync repositories, our standard change management process applies to all Zendesk-Salesforce Sync. See standard change management for more information.

Change criticality

Due to the nature and impact adding/editing/deleting the Zendesk-Salesforce Sync imposes, all issues/MRs related to the Zendesk-Salesforce Sync will be classified as either criticality 1 or criticality 2

Last modified February 7, 2025: Fixing SOQL statements (c031fb6c)